Model attributes
For each model, the MASS toolbox provides a series of mutable and immutable attributes with associated getter, setter, updater Functions (see Model construction and manipulation). In general, when working with model attributes it is very helpful to use Mathematica's command completion capabilities (see Edit > Complete Selection) to complete either the various getter, setter, updater functions or the attribute names directly.
Mutable attributes
ID Model identifier (String)
Name Model full name (String)
Constraints Constraints on model fluxes ({vID → {lb, ub}, ...})
InitialConditions Model initial conditions ({x1cval, ...})
Parameters Model parameters ({val, val, ...})
GPR Gene-protein-reaction associations ({"RxnID" -> p["ID"], p["ID"] → g["ID"], ...})
Ignore Species that should be ignored under mass-action considerations (List of species)
BoundaryConditions Boundary conditions for species (list of species)
Constant Constant species (list of species)
ReversibleColumnIndices Columns in stoichiometry matrix that correspond to reversible reactions (list of integer indices)
CustomRateLaws Custom rate laws ({vID -> equation, ...})
CustomODE Additional algebraic or differential equations (list of equations)
ElementalComposition Elemental composition of species ({H2Oc → 2 "H" + "O", ...})
Notes Notes (String)
UnitChecking If units should be checked (Boolean)
Objective Objective that should be optimized in COBRA related methods (vID or vID + ...)
Immutable attributes
Stoichiometry Stoichiometry matrix
SparseStoichiometry Sparse stoichiometry matrix (SparseArray)
Reactions Model reactions (List of reactions; same order as rows in stoichiometry matrix)
Exchanges Exchanges reactions in model (List of reactions)
Variables Time dependent variables in model ({v[t], ...})
Species Model species (List of species; same order as rows in stoichiometry matrix)
Fluxes Model fluxes (List of species; same order as columns in stoichiometry matrixrows)
ForwardRateConstants All forward rate constants in model ({, ...})
ReverseRateConstants All reverse rate constants in model ({, ...})
EquilibriumConstants All equilibrium constants in model ({, ...})
IrreversibleColumnIndices Columns in stoichiometry matrix that correspond to irreversible reactions (list of integer indices)
Rates overall rate laws of model (list of equations; same order as columns in stoichiometry matrix)
ODE overall ordinary differential equations of model (list of equations)
Compartments compartmens in model (list of compartments)
Genes genes in model (list of genes)
GeneAssociations reaction-gene associations ({"RxnID" -> g["ID"], ...})
Proteins proteins in model (list of proteins)
ProteinAssociations reaction-gene associations ({"RxnID" -> p["ID"], ...})
Enzymes enzymes in model (list of enzymes)